Sorry couldn't resist a bit of of rhyme! We were back on the Isle of Wight last weekend for the bank holiday and I have to say the weather wasn't great. On Sunday there was a sea mist which lingered all day but produced a beautiful soft light that complemented the emerging greens along the river
If I'm really honest though, I have to say I would have preferred blue skies and sunshine - still as the saying goes 'every cloud has a silver lining" and here you could also 'ride a white swan'
Further on there were hundreds of dandelion heads which when you look closely at them are amazing works of art whether viewed in colour
or black and white
As we neared the quay there was the odd splash of colour - a bright boat hull
and some coloured mooring floats reflected in the water
Then there is the little garden, virtually unchanged from when I was a child with a dilapidated shed
and some old caravans, which despite their unpromising exteriors are definitely in use in the summer
On the way back more colour was provided by this bright yellow litchen
and additional interest by a number of oyster catchers at the waters edge
“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems”