This month I have joined a Flickr group called 'Photographic Simplicity' It is the brainchild of Kim Manley Ort and is a public group so you can all join in!
The aim of the Group is to 'remove unnecessary and distracting elements to get to the essence of your subject'
sometimes this seems quite simple, other times you realised you have posted a picture because you just took it and you really like it but it doesn't really meet the criteria. Which I think is true of this next one.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Back on track with this though!
I usually fail fairly early on with an of these post a picture a day challenges so I am really proud to have reached day 14 without missing one.
I have to admit though I have cheated just a little bit! I find it really hard to take photos every day especially when I am at work and its dark most of the time when I'm not - I sometimes manage to get out at lunchtime but not always. Also I much prefer taking pictures with my DSLR that my iPhone or iPad.
Taken with my iPad
though sometimes I just spot something that seems to fit the bill and capture it with what I have to hand!
Taken with my iPhone
So somedays I take more that one photo which I then use on subsequent days if I don't manage to take one - all photos are new though and taken within the last few days so I hope I can be forgiven.
“Simplicity is the glory of expression.”
The garden has been a great source of inspiration with a few blossoms braving the December chill
I don't particularly plan what to take things just catch my eye like the girders at Waterloo station that I spotted yesterday when I was trying to photograph the crowds and the Christmas tree (which worked well in the end but definitely didn't pass the simplicity test though it could turn up as next years Christmas card!)
Doing this has really made me really think more about the essence of photography - I am often naturally drawn to complex subjects and bright colours so this has given me the opportunity to rethink, and appreciate the simplicity of the monochrome or muted colour.
It's also got me really thinking about light
“The spirit’s foe in man has not been simplicity, but sophistication”
both natural and artificial
so 14 down 17 to go - my feeling is that the challenge will get more difficult as the run up to Christmas gets more hectic, so fingers crossed I manage to keep going!