Hello all, the universe has really helped me out this week! last night I was conscious that I hadn't started, never mind completed, this week's post. There were reasons for this - yesterday we hosted a family party of 15 to celebrate our Ruby Wedding Anniversary, (which takes place next weekend) so I have been a bit preoccupied with food, tidying, and putting all this stuff back into our newly decorated Study, henceforth to be know as the studio! I haven't even taken any photographs this week which is almost unheard of. So what could I blog about? I was pondering this when an email popped into my in-box nominating me for a sunshine award.
This means a fellow blogger Kelly, who you can visit over on http://kellylmckenzie.com, invited me to answer her ten questions about myself and then pass the torch on to 10 other blogging pals.
These were Kelly's questions for me
1. Cats or Dogs?
I haven't any pets right now, but when I was a child we had a dog a cat and a budgerigar. I guess I like cats better than dogs I admire their elegance, their 'devil may care' attitude and their independence
2. Would you rather come back as a man or a woman?
Difficult one this, but I think I will stick to being a woman but would hope to be born into a society where female values such as nuturing and peace making are valued more highly than they sometimes appear to be today
3. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?
On the whole non fiction. I read a lot of biographies and have recently enjoyed Diana Athill's memoirs. I have also been researching happiness recently and would recommend Gretchen Rubin's books.
4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a ballet dancer and later an actress. I loved my ballet lessons and being taken to live theatre, although the latter only happened very occasionally. I have made up for that since though.
5. What is your most favourite method of transportation?
Probably boat. I grew up on an island so it was the only way off! Our most exciting trip across the Solent was when I was 13 and going with my french exchange to take the ferry to france from Southampton. Dad got the ferry times wrong from Cowes and we realised we had missed the ferry that would get there in time to cross the channel where Michele's parents would be waiting for us us at Le Havre. Dad, normally the soul of prudence, had to hire a speedboat to take us across - now that was exciting!
6. Would you rather live in a hot climate or a cold climate?
I think the Mediterranean would suit me very well! I really love to be warm and to feel my whole body relax rather than be tensed up against the cold. That said we had a brilliant Christmas in North Norway in 2000 where it was -12c and the sun didn't rise above the horizon but for all that it was calm crisp and incredibly beautiful, though maybe a week was enough!
7. Are you a “visual” or “auditory” learner?
my ideal way to learn would be to look at something while some one tells me a story about it
8. Do you prefer to live in the city or in the country?
I have lived in the country for most of my life with only a brief spell in London during my twenties - I love it but it does have some major disadvantages like having to get into the car every time you want to go somewhere. When we retire in a couple of years we are planning a complete lifestyle change with a move into the city - so watch this space!
9. Do you prefer savoury or sweet dishes?
Savoury. I would be happy with two starters and no dessert
10. Are you a night owl or morning person?
Definitely a night owl. I keep coming across people who get up at 5 in the morning to start their daily routine and all I can think is why
I'd love to live in the Mediterranean
Now it’s my turn to ask the questions. My 10 nominees for the Sunshine Award are:
Viv at Within the Frame
Stacie at Stacie Jewellery
Sarah at Paisley Rain Boots
Suzie at Vignettes de la Vie
Moyra at Getting stuff done
Roxi at Creating Beyond the Layers
Lisa at The Wright stuff
Holly at Holly Hinton
Nancy at Nancy Jean Creative thoughts
Sally at Day 2 Day Radishes
Dear Nominees:
Please know that this is not a chain letter – nothing untoward will befall you should you choose not to participate. If you wish to just answer the questions I’m fine with that, too. But if you Do want to join in the fun, here are the “rules”:
1. Include the award logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.
Ready to play? Excellent. Here are my questions for you:
- What's your favourite poem?
- If you had been born into another century which one would you have chosen ?
- McDonalds or Michelin Star?
- Who has inspired you most during the last year?
- If you were to emigrate to another country, which would you choose and why?
- What is your favourite piece of music /song?
- Which character in history would you most like to have dinner with?
- What's your favourite TV programme?
- Which book have you enjoyed the most this year?
- What's your favourite quote?